Pros and Cons Of RF Microneedling

microneedling on Long Island

Microneedling offers a minimally invasive option if you’re seeking a different technique to enhance your external appearance and could give you the desired outcomes. ​​Due to new technologies that have emerged to speed up the process, it has attracted a lot of interest in recent years. In order to rejuvenate the skin, microneedling entails inserting tiny, short needles into the skin. Using a dermaroller is the most typical way to perform this process. Keep reading to learn more about the pros and cons of microneedling on Long Island at Cool Contouring.

Pros of RF Microneedling

  • Microneedling may help you regrow hair on a portion of your body where you are having trouble growing it out by reawakening dormant follicles. Anyone who is dealing with a problematic thinning of their hair can benefit from this process.
  • Even though you repeatedly pierce your skin during a microneedling on Long Island session, most people experience minimal downtime as a result of the procedure. You are prepared to return to work and your regular schedule as soon as the doctor is done applying the rolling or laser treatment.
  • The typical microneedling session that people now have lasts between 10 and 20 minutes.  
  • Scar appearance is lessened by microneedling without any negative side effects.
  • This method is acceptable for people of all skin tones because there is very little chance it may produce future pigmentation problems.

Cons of RF Microneedling

  • The capillaries in your skin may burst if you undergo too many operations in a short period of time. Because needles are inserted repeatedly throughout this procedure, the skin may start to resemble plastic more. You must always allow for a full recovery in between sessions and should only get this procedure once each month.
  • The effects of microneedling will only be temporary if you are merely utilizing it to stimulate hair growth or improve skin health. You must combine this operation for long-lasting wrinkle reduction and scar healing to achieve the desired results. 
  • Although there are advantages for skin health when considering this technique, some people have issues that make microneedling an ineffective option as a treatment. Anyone with perioral dermatitis, eczema, rosacea, or acne should consult their local healthcare professional to determine whether or not this choice is appropriate for them. There is a chance that bothersome symptoms could worsen if microneedling is used on those with these skin diseases.
  • Usually people take between 4-6 weeks to fully experience the effects of their microneedling therapy sessions. Hence, you may require a second (and possibly a third) session before you start to notice changes in your skin.

Contact Cool Contouring for Microneedling on Long Island!

Here at Cool Contouring, we offer our patients Microneedling services for dry, damaged, or wrinkled skin. This cutting-edge technology can revive, revitalize, and rejuvenate damaged skin cells. We take great pride in providing these cutting-edge treatments to our patients. Contact our staff for microneedling on Long Island if you’re interested in seeking treatment!